Delegation is a Superpower

When you must achieve a challenging goal, it’s great to have a superpower you can rely on. In the world of business, and especially in today’s business climate, that superpower is delegation.
Even if the goal seems unattainable—in fact, especially if it seems unattainable, that’s the time to call on the superpower of delegation.
Teddy Roosevelt once said, “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men (and women) to do what he wants done, and the self-restraint to keep from meddling while they do it.” (1) The key to leadership is to focus on getting things done through others—not to do everything ourselves
Rajeev Shroff, of Cupela Consulting, writing for the Forbes Coaches Council, says “Find people who complement you. It’s much easier to delegate to someone who clearly thrives on something that you hate doing, or someone who excels at something you don’t feel very confident doing yourself. That way, you have more time to do the things that you are uniquely qualified to do, and others around you get to excel in their roles too.” (2)

Here’s where Axelerate can contribute, first by taking on the job of finding the people who complement you, freeing you up for the work you love. And second, by leveraging our own superpower—our years of experience with staffing. We have a deep, professional expertise in finding the right consultants for your team, and we can take the whole project off your desk from start to finish.
To get started, take a look at the first three of five specific steps, from Sir Richard Branson. (3) He advises the following self-discovery process to initiate delegation:
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Be candid about the parts you love and do well, and the parts that are dragging you down, taking too long, leaving you frustrated.
- Identify your business’s strengths and weaknesses. Axelerate can help. During our initial interview, we will work through this exercise with you, to enable us to find the person who will thrive in your operation and who will also fill the gaps we identify.
- Use your findings to guide recruitment and evaluate your existing team…Take the time to find people who understand the business and who can envision ways to improve it without losing sight of your vision. The emphasis is ours too. We certainly didn’t need any new evidence to convince us that Branson is a business genius. But this insight is definitely a stroke of brilliance. It gets at the core of our company’s superpower.

Let’s be superheroes together! Use your delegation superpower and let us use ours to place consultants who will take on the work to propel your team to the next level. Contact or call 425.922.6800 to schedule time to discuss the resources you need to finish 2020 strong and plan for 2021.
To your success,
The Axelerate Team