Saving the Day with a Well-targeted Message
Preparing the Client’s First Annual Report
The 5-Second Story:
The Business Challenge
At the time of this project, the Office of the CTO (OCTO) of our client’s Worldwide Services division comprised four business units with over 150 total employees. Although the OCTO managed many important company initiatives, internal teams were often unaware of its efforts. To show internal audiences its leadership and accomplishments from the previous year, the OCTO planned an internal communications piece: its first-ever annual report.
Complicating the project was the fact that two of the business units were in the early stages. Goals, objectives, and messaging had not been formalized. They were in flux. Originally, a consultant from a different company was brought on to develop the report. But after two and a half months, that consultant had failed to produce even a first draft of the report. Seriously behind schedule, the client called upon Axelerate to rescue the project.
The Solution
Our Senior Business Consultant hit the ground running. Quickly grasping the complexity of the organization and the many interests at stake, she coached the CTO on how the document could be used more strategically. They had the opportunity to showcase the OCTO’s accomplishments, build credibility among the Product Groups and the client’s Senior Leadership Team, and establish the CTO as a go-to thought leader by sharing his vision of the future.
Synthesizing information from research and multiple executive interviews, our resource developed a compelling story around key themes important to the CTO and the company. The report was delivered on time, and the CTO was immediately commended by the Senior Leadership Team for his vision and clarity of purpose.